Aerodynamic Effects of Gas-Air Mixture on the Aircraft's Armament System |
Tae-Woo Kang, Myoung-Soo Kim, Young-Hak Kim, Seung-Han Kim |
1Defense Agency for Technology and Quality 2Aircraft Research & Development Division(KFX Weapon Integration Team), Korea Aerospace Industries, LTD. |
항공무장 시스템에서 가스-공기 혼합체의 공력영향성 연구 |
강태우, 김명수, 김영학, 김승한 |
1국방기술품질원 항공센터 2한국항공우주산업(주) 고정익개발본부(KFX 무장팀) |
Abstract |
This military aircraft requires the compatibility evaluation of armed installations in accordance with guidelines and standards. In order to ensure the influence of gas-air mixtures caused by gunfire of the supersonic aircraft, CFD analysis of internal and external flows was performed and the results carried out and discussed. The low velocity vortex was formed due to the shape of the Gun Port, after firing the gas-air mixture was evacuated to the outside flow, where it moved to the front of the aircraft and soon merged with the aircraft flow field. |
Key Words:
CFD, Gun Port, Internal/External flow, Aerodynamic effect |