J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 19(3); 2016 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2016;19(3):311-318.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2016.19.3.311   
Storage Life Estimation of Next Infrared Flare Material
Seungjun Back, Youngkap Son, Namjin Kim, Taesoo Kwon
1Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Andong National University
2R&D Institute, Poongsan Co.
차기 적외선 섬광제 저장수명 예측
백승준, 손영갑, 김남진, 권태수
1국립안동대학교 기계자동차공학과
2(주)풍산 기술연구원
This paper shows storage life estimation of next IR(infrared) flare material through accelerated degradation tests. Three temperature conditions for the accelerated degradation tests are 55, 65 and $75^{circ}C$. Six performances of IR flare material are burning time, IR peak/continuous Intensity, total energy of near/mid-IR and color ratio, and they were measured after the tests. Storage life of the IR flare material was estimated through both analyzing the degradation data of those performances and applying distribution-based degradation models to the data. Over 30 years of storage life at $20^{circ}C$ is estimated in terms of IR peak intensity with reliability 0.99 and confidence level 99 %. Additionally, 10 years of storage period at $21^{circ}C$ would be equivalent to 68 days of accelerated test at $65^{circ}C$ from the activation energy in Arrhenius model.
Key Words: Storage Lifetime, Flare Material, Reliability, Degradation, Accelerated Degradation Test


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