Modeling and Analysis of the Phase Noise in a Frequency Synthesizer for a Radar System |
Dong-Sik Kim, Min-Cheol Kim, Su-Ho Lee, Myeong-Deuk Jeong, Ho-Sang Kwon |
1Department of Microwave Lab. LIGNEX1 2 |
레이더용 주파수합성기의 위상잡음 모델링 및 분석 |
김동식, 김민철, 이수호, 정명득, 권호상 |
1LIGNEX1 초고주파연구센터 2국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
In this paper, we proposed a phase noise model of a frequency synthesizer for a radar system. Especially, it was proposed a phase noise model in a DAS(Direct Analog Synthesizer) and a frequency up converter system using Leeson's model. The proposed phase noise model was derived from the measurement data of model 1 and evaluated by adapting to model 2 and model 3 frequency synthesizers. The prediction phase noise by modeling was totally matched to the measured data and the effective analysis of the phase noise was done in a frequency synthesizer and a frequency converter of radar system. |
Key Words:
Phase Noise, DAS, Frequency Synthesizer |