Design on Flight-Critical Function of Mission Computer for KUH |
Yeon-Woon Yu, Tae-Yeol Kim, Won-Hong Jang, Sung-Woo Kim, Jong-Bong Lim |
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한국형기동헬기 임무컴퓨터 비행필수기능 설계 |
유연운, 김태열, 장원홍, 김성우, 임종봉 |
1국방과학연구소 2한국항공우주산업(주) |
Abstract |
Avionics system tends to be designed to have the integrated architecture, and it is getting difficult and complex to verify the flight-critical function because of sophisticated structure. In Korean Utility Helicopter, mission computer acts as the MUX Bus Controller to handle the data from both communication, identification, mission/display and survivability equipment inside Mission Equipment Package and aircraft subsystems such as fuel system and electrical system while it is interfacing with Automatic Flight Control System and Full-Authority Digital Engine Control via ARINC-429 bus. The Flight Displays which is classified as flight-critical function in aircraft is implemented on Primary Flight Display after mission computer processes data from AFCS in order to generate graphics. This paper defines the flight-critical function implemented in mission computer for KUH, and presents the static and dynamic test procedures which is performed on System Integration Laboratory along with Playback Recorder prior to flight test. |
Key Words:
Mission Equipment Package, Mission Computer, Primary Flight Display, Flight-Critical Function |