A Study on VV&A Application Method for Credibility Improvement of The DM&S for C4I Test and Evaluation |
Kyung-Hee Kim, Seok-Joong Kang |
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C4I체계 시험평가 국방M&S 신뢰도 향상을 위한 VV&A 적용방안 연구 |
김경희, 강석중 |
1광운대학교 방위사업학과, 방위사업청 시험평가1과 2광운대학교 방위사업학과 |
Abstract |
A study for improvement of credibility on test & evaluation result of interoperability in battle management information system which focused in C4I systems is very essential in rapid change of battle field environment. Realization of effective operation process with integration of developed IT also core factor for reducing of operational response time such as information gathering from sensor to shooter, time for commander's decision making. Therefore, by required to meet of high technical T&E, meet of complex software's user requirement, long-term system development period, system integration ability's request by various linkage of systems, it is high a M&S dependency to optimal performance, interpoerability's guarantee. Especially credibility on test & evaluation using M&S is very important. This paper will propse a VV&A applied methods using other VV&A case to improve credibility of M&S on test & evaluation. |
Key Words:
C4I, Defense Modeling and Simulation(DM&S), Verification, Validation, Accreditation |