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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2010;13(4):627-634.
A Study on a Group Key Agreement using a Hash Function
Jun Lee, In-Taek Kim, Jong-Bum Park
Korea Air Force Academy
해쉬 함수를 이용한 그룹키 합의에 관한 연구
이준, 김인택, 박종범
In this paper we suggest a group key agreement protocol among a group consisting more than 3 PKIs. From an 128 bit message, we produce a group key to any length size using a hash function. With a computer experiment we found that PKI's encryption/decryption time is the most dominant part of this procedure and an 160 bit ECC PKI is the most efficient system for distributing an 128 bit message in practical level. We implement this procedure over an unsecure multi user chatting system which is an open software. And we also show that this suggestion could be practically used in military business without a hardware implementation.
Key Words: Group Key Agreement, Fermat Test, KDC, ECC ElGamal


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