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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2010;13(4):619-626.
A Study on Evaluation of Combat Effectiveness in WMA-EA based on C2 Model
Yang-Soo Park, Chan-Ki Jung
11st Fleet Command
2Korea National Defense University
C2모델 기반 전장아키텍처의 전투효과 평가방안
박양수, 정찬기
1해군 제1함대사령부
ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff in developing an WMA-EA(Warfighting Mission Area-Enterprise Architecture) tries to create the practical buildup requirements of military power through precise requirements and operational capabilities based on the architectures. However, it is difficult to verify the effectiveness of target architectures and do efficient requirement planning because we cannot know the gap of quantitative combat effectiveness between current and target WMA-EAs. This study presents an evaluation method of combat effectiveness and focuses on combat's positive effects in WMA-EAs. The method proposed is based on C2 model which is appropriate for the evaluation of combat effectiveness in architectures. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed method through a case study of an anti-ship warfare architecture.
Key Words: Warfighting Mission Area-Enterprise Architecture, Combat Effectiveness, C2 Model, Anti-Ship Warfare


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