A Calculation Method of Source Level of Underwater Transient Noise by Frequency Band |
Jae-Yong Choi, Jun-Seok Oh, Phil-Ho Lee |
주파수 대역별 수중 순간소음 음원준위 산출 기법 |
최재용, 오준석, 이필호 |
국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
This paper describes a calculation method of source level of a ship transient noise, which is one of the important elements for the ship detection. Aim of transient noise measurements is to evaluate of acoustic energy due to singular occurrence, which is therefore defined as non-periodic and short termed events like an attack periscope, a rudder and a torpedo door. In generally, in the case of randomly spaced impulse, the spectrum becomes a broadband random noise with no distinctive pattern. Therefore, frequency analysis is not particularly revealing for type of signal. In the paper, it is performed in time domain to analyze a transient noise. However, a source level of transient noise is required an investigation for multiple frequency band. So, in order to calculate a source level of transient noise, a design of exponential weighting function, convolution, band pass filtering, peak detection, root mean square, and parameter compensation are applied. The effectiveness of this calculation scheme is studied through computer simulations and a sea test. Furthermore, an application of the method is applied in a real case. |
Key Words:
Transient Noise, Underwater Radiated Noise, Exponential Weighting Function, Frequency Band, Root Mean Square |