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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2010;13(4):511-519.
A Study of Dynamic Impact Models for Pile-Driver Breech Fatigue Testing System
Chang-Ki Cho, Ki-Up Cha
대용량 포미장치 피로시험기의 충격 거동 모델링
조창기, 차기업
This paper presents the modeling and validation of a pile-driver breech fatigue testing system model to replicate actual high pressure in a large caliber gun barrel. A hysteresis damping function was incorporated in the nonlinear impact force model. Test of real pile-driver breech fatigue testing system had been performed for model validation. Comparison of the experimental result and model simulation during impact were made. Numerical studies were performed to evaluate how the actual chamber pressure pattern in the live firing of gun barrel was affected by parameters' variation. Some of the parameters simulated included input velocity, damping coefficient and stiffness. As a result, a variety of actual chamber pressure pattern could be reproduced and controlled through current simulation model.
Key Words: Breech Fatigue Testing System, Impact Force Modeling, Contact Stiffness, Hysteresis Damping


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