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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2010;13(2):171-179.
A Local Path Planning Algorithm considering the Mobility of UGV based on the Binary Map
Young-Il Lee, Ho-Joo Lee, Jung-Ho Ko
무인차량의 주행성능을 고려한 장애물 격자지도 기반의 지역경로계획
이영일, 이호주, 고정호
A fundamental technology of UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) to perform a given mission with success in various environment is a path planning method which generates a safe and optimal path to the goal. In this paper, we suggest a local path-planning method of UGV based on the binary map using world model data which is gathered from terrain perception sensors. In specially, we present three core algorithms such as shortest path computation algorithm, path optimization algorithm and path smoothing algorithm those are used in the each composition module of LPP component. A simulation is conducted with M&S(Modeling & Simulation) system in order to verify the performance of each core algorithm and the performance of LPP component with scenarios.
Key Words: Autonomous Navigation, LPP(Local Path Planning), Path Optimization, Path Smoothing, Binary Map, UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle)


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