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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2009;12(3):396-405.
An Experimental Study on the Performance Prediction Logic for a Regenerative Cooling System
Se-Yong Jung, Yang-Suk Lee
1Hanwha Corporation
2Chungnam National University
재생냉각시스템의 성능예측기법에 관한 실험적 연구
정세용, 이양석
The experimental research was conducted to setup a performance prediction logic for the regenerative cooling system on a small scale liquid rocket engine using kerosene and LOX. Total heat flux of the combustion gas side was determined for the flow rate of the coolant, combustion pressure using the calorimeter thrust chamber. Based on the experimental investigation, a performance prediction scheme for the regenerative cooling system is setup in our own way. A performance prediction logic for the regenerative cooling system has been developed by the correction scheme of the combustion gas side. The key parameters determining the temperature limitation of the coolant are the mass flow rate of the coolant and the length of the combustion chamber and the nozzle. And the parameters to control the limitation of the usable wall temperature are the number of channels and wall thickness.
Key Words: Regenerative Cooling System, Liquid Rocket Engine, Performance Prediction Logic, Kerosene, Liquid Oxygen, Coolant, Heat Flux


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