A Study on Demagnetization Technique of a Steel Tube using an Anhysteretic Magnetization |
Young-Hak Kim, Chang-Seob Yang, Kwang-Ho Shin |
1Pukyong National University 2Agency for Defense Development 3Kyungsung University |
비히스테리자화에 의한 강관의 탈자 기법 연구 |
김영학, 양창섭, 신광호 |
1부경대학교 2국방과학연구소 3경성대학교 |
Abstract |
In this study, we investigated whether the anhysteretic demagnetization process would be applicable to remove a complicated magnetization of a steel tube as a part of the experimental earlier study for a deperming of naval vessel. The magnetic tube used in this study was a 10cm-long and 1cm-diameter steel tube, and magnetized with a E-shape ferrite core to form a nonuniform magnetization in it. In the anhysteretic demagnetization process, a dc magnetic field applied along the longitudinal direction of the tube decreased from ${pm}$3kA/m to zero-field with the step of ${pm}$300A/m. At the same time, an ac bias magnetic field with the frequency of 60Hz and the field intensity of 300A/m was excited along the circumstantial direction of the tube. It was found that the anhysteretic process was useful to demagnetize a small-object like a steel tube from the experimental results showing the residual magnetization reduced over 90%. |
Key Words:
Deperming, Anhysteretic Demagntization, Residual Magnetization |