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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2009;12(1):24-28.
A Study on Demagnetization Technique of a Steel Tube using an Anhysteretic Magnetization
Young-Hak Kim, Chang-Seob Yang, Kwang-Ho Shin
1Pukyong National University
2Agency for Defense Development
3Kyungsung University
비히스테리자화에 의한 강관의 탈자 기법 연구
김영학, 양창섭, 신광호
In this study, we investigated whether the anhysteretic demagnetization process would be applicable to remove a complicated magnetization of a steel tube as a part of the experimental earlier study for a deperming of naval vessel. The magnetic tube used in this study was a 10cm-long and 1cm-diameter steel tube, and magnetized with a E-shape ferrite core to form a nonuniform magnetization in it. In the anhysteretic demagnetization process, a dc magnetic field applied along the longitudinal direction of the tube decreased from ${pm}$3kA/m to zero-field with the step of ${pm}$300A/m. At the same time, an ac bias magnetic field with the frequency of 60Hz and the field intensity of 300A/m was excited along the circumstantial direction of the tube. It was found that the anhysteretic process was useful to demagnetize a small-object like a steel tube from the experimental results showing the residual magnetization reduced over 90%.
Key Words: Deperming, Anhysteretic Demagntization, Residual Magnetization


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