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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2008;11(6):74-80.
Analysis of the Electric-field Characteristics of V/UHF Antennas Installed on a Shipboard
Jin-Ho Lee, Joon-Hyuck Kwon, Ki-Hwan Song
함정 탑재 V/UHF 안테나의 전계 특성 분석
이진호, 권준혁, 송기환
Analysis of the electromagnetic environment on topside of a ship is needed for optimal arrangement of all kinds of antennas to be installed on the shipboard in order to minimize the probability of EMI of equipment and subsystems in real ship after construction phase. In this paper we analyze the characteristics of electric-fields such as radiation patterns and near E-fields of V/UHF antennas installed on a shipboard. We compare simulated results with measurements on the real ship for near E-fields to verify the reliability of the computed electromagnetic environment. Although there are various factors causing errors such as cable loss and impedance mismatching etc. when measuring near E-field, both data show similar trends in the range of the acceptable tolerance.
Key Words: ElectroMagnetic Interference(EMI), ElectroMagnetic RADiation HAZards(EMRADHAZ), Ship Electromagnetic Design Framework(ShipEDF)


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