A Study on the Development Method of the Domestic New Generation Multiple Launcher Rocket System |
Ki-Hong Cho |
Defence Agency for Technology and Quality |
국내 차기 다련장 로켓 개발방안에 대한 고찰 |
조기홍 |
국방기술품질원 |
Abstract |
Korean army currently considers the development of the advanced MLRS(Multiple Launcher Rocket System) as a new alternative, which responses on the renovation of the artillery and future battle field environment. Therefore, This study suggests that the development methods of MLRS based on the analysis of the future battle field environment, world wide development trends of the MLRS and operation states of the domestic MLRS. According to this study, the development methods of new generation MLRS should be included a 230/130mm combined launcher competible with conventional 227mm on the vehicle, advanced FCS(Fire Control System), GPS/INS integration navigation system, Pod of ammunitiom, ammunition carrring vehicle and guided rocket munitions, etc. |
Key Words:
Multiple Launcher Rocket System, Combined Launcher, Fire Control System, GPS, INS, GPS/INS Integration Navigation System, Ammunition Carrring Vehicle |