Infrared Signature Analysis of a Ship for Different Atmosphere Temperature and Wind Velocity |
Jun-Hyuk Choi, Ji-Sun Lee, Jung-Ho Kim, Sung-Ho Lee, Tae-Kuk Kim |
1Chung-Ang University 2 |
대기온도 및 풍속 변화에 따른 함정의 적외선 신호 특성 분석 |
최준혁, 이지선, 김정호, 이성호, 김태국 |
1중앙대학교 2국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
The spectral radiance received by a remote sensor at a given temperature and wavelength region is consisted of the self-emitted component directly from the object surface, the reflected component of the solar irradiation at the object surface, and the scattered component by the atmosphere without ever reaching the object surface. The IR image of a ship is mainly affected by location, meteorological condition(atmosphere temperature, wind direction and velocity, humidity etc.), atmospheric transmittance, solar position and ship surface temperature etc. Computer simulations for prediction of the IR signatures of ships are very useful to examine the effects of various meteorological conditions. In this paper, we have acquired the IR signature for different meteorological conditions by using two different computer programs. The numerical results show that the IR image contrast as compared to the background sea considering the atmosphere temperature and wind velocity. |
Key Words:
Spectral Radiance, Surface Temperature, IR Signature, Atmosphere Temperature, Wind Velocity |