Simulated Radar Target Generation Equipment(SRTGE) for Evaluating Radar System Performance |
Jin-Mo Yang, Min-Joon Lee, Whan-Woo Kim |
1 2Chungnam National University |
레이더 시스템 성능평가용 가상 레이더 표적신호 발생장치 |
양진모, 이민준, 김환우 |
1국방과학연구소 2충남대학교 |
Abstract |
In this paper, we have described a Simulated Radar Target Generation Equipment(SRTGE) for evaluating the performance of a developed radar system. In order to change a simulated target range(or time delay), the variable optical delay line structure is used in SRTGE, In addition, SRTGE is required to generate a target return signal which is composed of variable amplitude and Doppler velocity. The interference such as noise jamming and clutter is also produced from SRTGE for evaluating ECCM(Electronic-Counter-Counter Measure) capability of radar. |
Key Words:
Radar, Simulated Target, Coherency, Variable Optical Delayline, Doppler Frequency |