A Study on Analysis Method of Underwater Electric Field Signature due to Ship's Corrosion and Corrosion Protection System |
Hyun-Ju Chung, Chang-Seob Yang, Jae-Jin Jeon |
선체 부식 및 부식 방지장치에 의한 수중 전기장 신호 해석 방안 연구 |
정현주, 양창섭, 전재진 |
국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
The galvanic corrosion of a vessel, or systems fitted to minimize the ship's corrosion such as ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) system and sacrificial anodes, can lead to significant electrical current flow in the sea. The presence of vessel's current sources associated with corrosion will give rise to detectable electric field surrounding the vessel and can put it at risk from mine threats. For this reason, it is necessary to design corrosion protection systems so that they don't only prevent a hull corrosion but also minimize the electric field signature. In this paper, we describe theoretical backgrounds of underwater electric field signature due to corrosion and corrosion protection system on naval vessels and analysis results of the electric field according to the ship's hull and it's propeller coating damage and ICCP anode displacement. |
Key Words:
Galvanic Corrosion, Electric Field, Sacrificial Anode, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System |