Operation of Night Vision Goggle for Aircraft |
Jong-Kwang Kwon, Whan-Woo Kim |
1 2CNU |
항공기 야간투시경 운용 |
권종광, 김환우 |
1국방과학연구소 2충남대학교 |
Abstract |
This paper describes the general considerations and operational applications of aircraft night vision goggle(NVG). The operators should recognize the NVG characteristics, natural night light sources and interoperability between them. And they have to keep attention to the method to take steps to avoid misperceptions, illusions during flight, and the negative impact on the effectiveness and safety of the mission. The considerations based on the interoperability between NVG and night operation suggest the evaluation items of NVG field test and flight test. |
Key Words:
Night Vision Goggles, Night Environment, Compatibility, Night Vision Imaging System, Field of View, Panoramic NVG, NVG Field Test |