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Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2005;8(2):14-21.
Development of a Tank Crew Protection System Using Moving Object Area Detection from Vision based
Kwang-Mo Choi, Dong-Sik Jang
Korea University
비전 기반 움직임 영역 탐지를 이용한 전차 승무원 보호 시스템 개발
최광모, 장동식
고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과
This paper describes the system for detecting the tank crew's(loader's) hand, arm, head and the upper half of the body in a danger area between the turret ceiling and the upper breech mechanism by computer vision-based method. This system informs danger of pressed to death to gunner and commander for the safety of operating mission. The camera mounted ort the top portion of the turret ceiling. The system sets search moving object from this image and detects by using change of image, laplacian operator and clustering algorithm in this area. It alarms the tank crews when it's judged that dangerous situation for operating mission. The result In this experiment shows that the detection rate maintains in $81{sim}98$ percents.
Key Words: Motion Detection, Vision System, Accident Prevention, Difference image, Threshold, Normal Distribution, Laplacian Operator


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