An experimental study on the characteristics of transverse jet into a supersonic flow field |
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초음속 유동장에서의 충돌제트 특성에 대한 실험적 연구 |
박종호, 김경련, 신필권, 박순종, 길경섭 |
1충남대학교 기계공학과 2충남대학교 기계공학과 대학원 3한국항공우주연구원 |
Abstract |
When a secondary gaseous flow is injected vertically into a supersonic flow through circular nozzle, a complicated structure of flow field is produced around the injection area. The interaction between the two streams produces a strong bow shock wane on the upstream side of the side-jet. The results show that bow shock wave and turbulent boundary layer interaction induces the boundary layer separation in front of the side-jet. This study is to analyze the structure of flow fields and distribution of surface pressure on the flat plate according to total pressure ratio using a supersonic cold-flow system and also to study the control force of affected side-jet. The nozzle of main flow was designed to have Mach 2.88 at the exit. The injector has a sonic nozzle with 4mm diameter at the exit of the side-jet. In experiments, The oil flow visualization using a silicone oil and ink was conducted in order to analyze the structure of flow fields around the side-jet. The flow fields are visualized using the schlieren method. In this study, a computational fluid dynamic solution is also compared with experimental results. |