The Multi-Aperture Transmit Horn Antenna for Radar Space Feeder |
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레이다 공간급전용 다중-개구 송신 혼 안테나 |
조용문, 박동철 |
1충남대학교 전파공학과 대학원 2충남대학교 전파공학과 |
Abstract |
In this paper, the transmit antenna for the space feeder used for the phased array antennas is investigated. The multi-aperture horn antenna is proposed as the transmit antenna and the characteristics are verified with the Matlab coding, HFSS of Ansoft Corp., and MWS of CST Corp., The E-plane and H-plane beam patterns of the multi-aperture horn antenna are nearly symmetrical and the sidelobe level of the I-plane beam pattern is lower than that the of general pyramidal horn antenna. The fabricated multi-aperture horn antenna is measured using the near-field measurement system. The measured results show good agreement with the simulated ones. |
Key Words:
Multi-Aperture Horn Antenna, Space Feeder, Phased Array Antenna, Transmit Antenna |