Synthesis and Characterization of N-Butyl-N-(2-nitratoethyl) nitramine |
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에너지화 가소제인 BuNENA의 합성 및 특성분석 |
민병선, 박영철, 임유진 |
국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
NENA(nitratoethyl nitramine) compounds, especially BuNENA(N-butyl-N-(2-nitratoethyl)-nitramine), are of high interest to both rocket propulsion and military high explosives because of low sensitivity to many forms of stimuli, although they are less energetic than conventional nitrate ester plasticizers. One of advantages in using NENAs is that they provide higher impulse at any given flame temperature than conventional propellants do. BuNENA has better thermochemical characteristics(low melting point and low glass transition temperature), therefore has less tendency to crystallize out of matrices. BuNENA was successfully synthesized in a high yield by reaction of n-butyl aminoethanol and 98% nitric acid followed by dehydrogenation of salt mixture by $Ac_2$/$ZnCl_2$. |
Key Words:
BuNENA, Nitration, Dehydrogenation, Energetic plasticizers |