Development of Target Signal Simulator for Towed Line Array Sonar |
Kweon Son, Jae-Yong Choi |
선배열 예인음탐기 표적신호 시뮬레이터 개발 |
손권, 최재용 |
국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
Multi-target away signal simulator which can simulate the radiated noises of maneuvering targets in a specified ocean range is an essential equipment for the validation of developed towed array sonar system. This simulator should provide realistic multi-channel signals those are required for beamforming on the signal processing unit of towed away system. This paper describes the overall system configuration and signal synthesis techniques for the target radiated noise. And this paper considers why the time delays between target and individual sensors are caused and how to compensate these time delays to individual sensors output. This multi-purpose target simulator could be used for the training of TASS operators. |
Key Words:
Target Signal Simulator, Towed Line Array, Range Dependent Acoustic Model |