A Study of Mobile Ad-hoc Network Protocols for Ultra Narrowband Video Streaming over Tactical Combat Radio Networks |
Myunghwan Seo1, Kihun Kim1, Yun-Soo Ko2, Kyungwoo Kim3, Donghyun Kim3, Jeung Won Choi3 |
1C2·Communication R&D Center, Hanwha Systems, Korea 2Land R&D Center, Hanwha Systems, Korea 3The 2nd Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development, Korea |
초협대역 영상전송 전투무선망을 위한 Mobile Ad-hoc Network 프로토콜 연구 |
서명환1, 김기훈1, 고윤수2, 김경우3, 김동현3, 최증원3 |
1한화시스템㈜ 지휘통제·통신연구소 2한화시스템㈜ 지상연구센터 3국방과학연구소 제2기술연구본부 |
Myunghwan Seo, Email: myunghwan.seo@hanwha.com |
Received: 2 June 2020; Revised: 13 July 2020; Accepted: 24 July 2020; |
Abstract |
Video is principal information that facilitates commander's immediate command decision. Due to fading characteristics of radio link, however, it is difficult to stably transmit video in a multi-hop wireless environment. In this paper, we propose a MANET structure composed of a link adaptive routing protocol and a TDMA MAC protocol to stably transmit video traffic in a ultra-narrowband video streaming network. The routing protocol can adapt to link state change and select a stable route. The TDMA protocol enables collision-free video transmission to a destination using multi-hop dynamic resource allocation. As a result of simulation, the proposed MANET structure shows better video transmission performance than proposed MANET structure without link quality adaption, AODV with CSMA/CA, and OLSR with CSMA/CA structures. |
Key Words:
Mobile Ad-hoc Network, Routing Protocol, TDMA MAC Protocol, Video Streaming |