The Design and Implementation of Simulated Threat Generator based on MITRE ATT&CK for Cyber Warfare Training |
Suyoun Hong, Kwangsoo Kim, Taekyu Kim |
C4I Research Center Team 9, LIGNex1 |
사이버전 훈련을 위한 ATT&CK 기반 모의 위협 발생기 설계 및 구현 |
홍수연, 김광수, 김태규 |
LIG넥스원(주) C4I연구소 9팀 |
Abstract |
Threats targeting cyberspace are becoming more intelligent and increasing day by day. To cope with such cyber threats, it is essential to improve the coping ability of system security officers. In this paper, we propose a simulated threat generator that automatically generates cyber threats for cyber defense training. The proposed Simulated Threat Generator is designed with MITRE ATT & CK(Adversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge) framework to easily add an evolving cyber threat and select the next threat based on the threat execution result. |
Key Words:
Cyber Threat, Penetration Testing, Simulation, Cyber Training, MITRE ATT&CK Framework |