A Study on Effective Correction of Internal Drag and Wall Interference Using Response Surface in Wind Tunnel Test |
Junemo Kim, Yeongbin Lee |
The 1st Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development |
풍동시험에서 반응면을 이용한 내부 항력 및 벽면 효과의 효율적 보정방안 연구 |
김준모, 이영빈 |
국방과학연구소 제1기술연구본부 |
Abstract |
Wind tunnel testing for flow-through model is necessary for performance prediction of an aircraft with air-breathing jet engine. Internal drag correction and wall correction are performed to acquire preciser wind tunnel test data. Many test runs are generally required to correct internal drag and wall interference in wind tunnel test. In this study we investigated more effective correction schemes using the response surface method. Even though the number of tests required for these schemes was much smaller than that for conventional methods, the differences between corrections using these schemes and conventional methods were similar level with the uncertainty of measurement except for the data near the boundaries. |
Key Words:
Wind Tunnel Test, Flow-through Model, Internal Drag Correction, Wall Correction, Response Surface |