Structural Analysis Library Development for Efficient High-Fidelity Composite Rotor Blade and Wing Design with High Aspect Ratio |
Jehong Park, Jun Hwan Jang |
1Dept. of Avioinics Engineering of Hanseo University 2Dept. of Mechanical Engineering of Yuhan University |
높은 세장비를 가진 복합재 날개 구조의 효율적인 고기능 설계를 위한 구조해석 해석 라이브러리 개발 |
박제홍, 장준환 |
1한서대학교 항공전자공학과 2유한대학교 기계공학과 기계설계전공 |
Abstract |
It takes a lot of time and human resources to build a detailed three-dimensional finite element analysis model that is almost similar to the actual structure for sophisticated analysis, and a lot of experience and know-how is required to form a reliable analytical model. In this paper, the one-dimensional beam model connected by stiffness matrix through blade analysis library was compared with the results of three-dimensional analysis with the stress calculated through the process of dimensional restoration analysis based on the principle of virtual work. By comparing the stress calculated through dimensional restoration analysis with the three-dimensional analytical model, We will introduce the development status and application case of the blade analysis library by comparing efficiency and accuracy. |
Key Words:
Rotor Blade, Blade Analysis Library, Dimensional Reduction, Recovery Analysis |