J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 22(1); 2019 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2019;22(1):106-123.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2019.22.1.106   
Analyzing the Performance of Defense R&D Projects based on DEA
Yonghwan Lim, Jeonghwan Jeon
1Technology Planning Bureau, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
2Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering/ERI, Gyeongsang National University
자료포락분석을 활용한 국방핵심기술 연구개발사업의 성과 분석
임용환, 전정환
1국방기술품질원 기술기획본부
2국립경상대학교 산업시스템공학부
Demand for performance analysis is increasing for efficient use of limited budgets such as improving investment efficiency and strategic budget allocation in accordance with the continuous increase demand of R&D budget for developing advanced weapon systems in the future battlefields. In accordance with the Act on the Performance Evaluation and Performance Management of the National R&D Projects established in March 2006, the performance analysis has been conducted for the systematic management and utilization of the R&D project performance. It was recognized as a project to achieve self-defense through strengthening the weapons system development capability, however, efficiency evaluation of Defense R&D projects was not much emphasized. Research on the efficiency analysis of defense R&D projects has been conducted in recent years, but most studies focused on corporate efficiency and productivity of defense companies. In this study, we analyzed the three-stage performance of defence R&D projects based on the logical model using the data envelope analysis(DEA) model. We also analyzed performance analysis from various perspectives through R&D type, technology classification and performance model. This study is expected to help defense department improve defense R&D projects and make decision.
Key Words: Defense R&D Projects, DEA, Performance, Performance Model


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