A Study on the Test and Evaluation Methodology for the Precise Encountering Scenario between Ammunitions |
Jongsoo Ha, Youngsik Park, Hanjin Lee, Yongjae Kim, Yoon Kwak, Minkyu Park |
The 4th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development |
탄약 간 정밀교전을 위한 시험평가기법 연구 |
하종수, 박영식, 이한진, 김용재, 곽윤, 박민규 |
국방과학연구소 제4기술연구본부 |
Abstract |
This paper proposes an improved test and evaluation methodology to be conducted for a in-flight threat-countermeasure encounter scenario. Although the conventional test method adopted in the precedent researches allows high precision and safety, such full-scale method is practically not appropriate to apply to small-scale test rounds for evaluating the subparts of the ammunition. To address this problem, this study suggests a readily-applicable, small-scale test and evaluation method of the subpart of the ammunition in firing test. In the threat-countermeasure encounter scenario, the results of several tests demonstrate that the proposed technique does not deteriorate the precision when the engagement point should be adjusted. |
Key Words:
Test & Evaluation Method, Precise Engagement, Countermeasure |