A Study on the Flight Vibration Specification of High Speed Vehicle using Response Analysis |
Dongkee Hwang, Ohseop Song |
1The 1st Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development 2School of Mechanical Engineering, Chungnam National University |
응답해석을 이용한 고속비행체의 비행진동규격 연구 |
황동기, 송오섭 |
1국방과학연구소 제1기술연구본부 2충남대학교 기계공학부 |
Abstract |
A well-designed flight vibration specification enables the optimum weight design of the Surface-to-Air or Air-to-Air Missile, improves the maneuverability of the flight vehicle, improves the engagement of target, and increases the price competitiveness of the components and the missile system. Conventional flight vibration specifications are used by using a somewhat higher standard as suggested in MIL-STD-810C, or based on accumulated data from developed similar missile systems. In this study, we confirmed the validity of FEA response analysis by comparing response data obtained by FEA and response data of real product. Also we proposed that each specification that reflects the structural characteristics of the place where the components are mounted is required instead of verifying all the components by a single flight vibration specification. |
Key Words:
Flight Vibration Specification, Random Response Analysis, Surface-to-Air Missile, Air-to-Air Missile |