J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 21(5); 2018 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2018;21(5):704-713.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2018.21.5.704   
Development of Framework for Effectiveness Measurement of LVC Synthetic Battlefield Training System
Kybeom Kwon, Seungin Min, Kwanjung Yee, Hyeonju Seol, Jihyun Oh, Inbo Sim
1Department of Aerospace Engineering, Republic of Korea Air Force Academy
2Department of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University
3School of Integrated National Security, Chungnam National University
4The 7th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development
LVC 합성전장 훈련체계 효과도 측정 프레임워크 개발
권기범, 민승인, 이관중, 설현주, 오지현, 심인보
1공군사관학교 항공우주공학과
2서울대학교 항공우주공학과
3충남대학교 국가안보융합학부
4국방과학연구소 제7기술연구본부
The purpose of this study is to develop a systematic framework that can scientifically and quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of an LVC training system. The proposed framework is based on QFD(Quality Function Development) methodology. The process of developing the framework begins with identifying various needs of stakeholders related to the introduction of the LVC training system. Then the effectiveness areas and factors are derived based on the needs. The measured effectiveness for each factors on alternatives by L, V, C systems are finally synthesized into the one overall effectiveness of each training system for relative comparison among them. In addition, we developed an Excel$^{TM}$-based tool based on the proposed framework methodology to provide an ease-of-use environment for rapid evaluation on the effectiveness of each training system with the given stakeholder need importance combinations, training scenarios and assets. The suggested framework and the measurement tool are expected to be useful for efficient knowledge-based decision making on an acquisition of the LVC training system.
Key Words: LVC Training System, Effectiveness Measurement, Quality Function Development, Framework


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