Analysis of Experience Knowledge of Shooting Simulation for Training Using the Text Mining and Network Analysis |
Sungkyu Kim, Changho Son, Jongman Kim, Sehkyu Chung, Jaehyun Park, Jeonghwan Jeon |
1Localization Program Management Department, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality 2Department of Weapon System Engineering, Korea Army Academy at Yeong-Cheon 3Defense Technology Information Team, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality 4Department of Control Engineering/ERI, Gyeongsang National University 5Department of Aerospace and Software Engineering/ReCAPT, Gyeongsang National University 6Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering/ERI, Gyeongsang National University |
Text Mining과 네트워크 분석을 활용한 교육훈련용 모의사격 시뮬레이션 경험지식 분석 |
김성규, 손창호, 김종만, 정세교, 박재현, 전정환 |
1국방기술품질원 국산화사업실 2육군3사관학교 무기시스템공학과 3국방기술품질원 방산기술정보팀 4국립경상대학교 제어계측공학과/공학연구원 5국립경상대학교 기계항공정보융합공학부/항공기부품기술연구소 6국립경상대학교 산업시스템공학부/공학연구원 |
Abstract |
Recently, the military need more various education and training because of the increasing necessity of various operation. But the education and training of the military has the various difficulties such as the limitations of time, space and finance etc. In order to overcome the difficulties, the military use Defense Modeling and Simulation(DM&S). Although the participants in training has the empirical knowledge from education and training based on the simulation, the empirical knowledge is not shared because of particular characteristics of military such as security and the change of official. This situation obstructs the improving effectiveness of education and training. The purpose of this research is the systematizing and analysing the empirical knowledge using text mining and network analysis to assist the sharing of empirical knowledge. For analysing texts or documents as the empirical knowledge, we select the text mining and network analysis. We expect our research will improve the effectiveness of education and training based on simulation of DM&S. |
Key Words:
DM&S, Experience Knowledge, Text Mining, Network Analysis |