J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 20(1); 2017 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2017;20(1):63-71.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2017.20.1.063   
A Study on EMI Shield Optimization for Improvement of EMI between MIL-SATCOM and ES on a Surface Ship
Hoseong Chang, Younghoon Ham, Kwanjun Jo
1Busan Center, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
2RAM Team, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality
수상함 MIL-SATCOM과 ES간의 전자기 간섭 개선을 위한 EMI 차폐판 최적설계 연구
장호성, 함영훈, 조관준
1국방기술품질원 부산센터
2국방기술품질원 국방신뢰성팀
During the sea trial test, we discovered EMI(Electromagnetic Interference) between MIL-SATCOM parabolic antenna and ES(Electronic Warfare Support) omni antenna. Emitted side lobe of CW(Continuous Wave) from MIL-SATCOM raises the threshold level of ES omni antenna. Therefore detection rate of ES is decreased. To solve this problem, the path of side lobe of CW from MIL-SATCOM should be blocked using EMI shield. This paper presents the method how to calculate the size of EMI shield, material, and optimized deployment. The test of the EMI shield effect was performed on a surface ship. After installing EMI shield, EMI has been decreased significantly. This paper will provide a method how to design EMI shield and a way to verify the result.
Key Words: EMI(Electromagnetic Interference), EMI Shield, MIL-SATCOM, ES(Electronic Warfare Support), CW(Continuous Wave), Side Lobe


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