A Study on the Improvement of Defense Specification Suitability Review System |
Sungkyung Kim, Jangwook Hur |
1Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology 2 |
국방규격 적합성 검토체계 개선에 대한 고찰 |
김성경, 허장욱 |
1금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학과 대학원 2금오공과대학교 기계시스템공학과 |
Abstract |
Defense specification suitability review task means to examine whether to need enactment, amendment or abolition of defense specification, and realistic and efficient review environment are urgently needed by improving system. For the promotion of efficient tasks, the cycle of defense specification suitability review needs to be changed to 5 years for active specifications and 10 years for inactive specifications. To simplify the standards of defense specification suitability review, the distinction between prior management items and general management items should be abolished and the number of review items need to be reduced from ten to three. Also, in order to promote substantial defense specification suitability review, a system improvement is needed to utilize retired professionals from defense acquisition related agencies. |
Key Words:
Defense Specification, Suitability Review, Prior Management Item, General Management Item, Quality Assurance Requirement |