J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 19(2); 2016 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2016;19(2):252-260.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2016.19.2.252   
A Study on Ship Path Planning Algorithm based on Real-time Ocean Environment
Dongjun Kim, Hyeonju Seol, Jinju Kim
1Department of System Engineering, Korea Air Force Academy
2Faculty of Military Studies, Chungnam National University
실해역 환경을 고려한 선박의 최적항해계획 알고리즘 연구
김동준, 설현주, 김진주
1공군사관학교 시스템공학과
2충남대학교 군사학부
Unlike terrestrial transportation, marine transportation should consider environment factors in order to optimize path planning. This is because, ship's path planning is greatly influenced by real-time ocean environment-sea currents, wave and wind. Therefore, in this study, we suggest a ship path planning algorithm based on real-time ocean environment using not only $A^*$ algorithm but also path smoothing method. Moreover, in order to improve objective function value, we also consider ship's moving distance based on ship's location and real-time ocean environment data on grid map. The efficiency of the suggested algorithm is proved by comparing with $A^*$ algorithm only. This algorithm can be used as a reasonable automatics control system algorithm for unmaned ship.
Key Words: Path Planning, Real-time Ocean Environment, $A^*$ Algorithm, Path Smoothing Method


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