A Study on Ship Path Planning Algorithm based on Real-time Ocean Environment |
Dongjun Kim, Hyeonju Seol, Jinju Kim |
1Department of System Engineering, Korea Air Force Academy 2Faculty of Military Studies, Chungnam National University |
실해역 환경을 고려한 선박의 최적항해계획 알고리즘 연구 |
김동준, 설현주, 김진주 |
1공군사관학교 시스템공학과 2충남대학교 군사학부 |
Abstract |
Unlike terrestrial transportation, marine transportation should consider environment factors in order to optimize path planning. This is because, ship's path planning is greatly influenced by real-time ocean environment-sea currents, wave and wind. Therefore, in this study, we suggest a ship path planning algorithm based on real-time ocean environment using not only $A^*$ algorithm but also path smoothing method. Moreover, in order to improve objective function value, we also consider ship's moving distance based on ship's location and real-time ocean environment data on grid map. The efficiency of the suggested algorithm is proved by comparing with $A^*$ algorithm only. This algorithm can be used as a reasonable automatics control system algorithm for unmaned ship. |
Key Words:
Path Planning, Real-time Ocean Environment, $A^*$ Algorithm, Path Smoothing Method |