A Study on Measurement of Gun's Attitude of K2 MBT Using Inertial Navigation System and Its Effects on the Hit Probability |
Sungho Kim, GunKook Kim, Hyukmin Kwon, Sukjin Yu, Byunghoon Park, Byunggil Lee, Euiwhan Kim |
1Defence Systems, HYUNDAI ROTEM COMPANY 2The 5th Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development 3MBT Project Team, Defence Acquisition Program Administration 4Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University |
관성항법장치를 이용한 K2전차 전차포 자세측정 방법 및 명중률에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 |
김성호, 김건국, 권혁민, 유석진, 박병훈, 이병길, 김의환 |
1현대로템주식회사 중기사업본부 2국방과학연구소 제5기술연구본부 3방위사업청 전차사업팀 4아주대학교 시스템공학과 |
Abstract |
In the original design of K2 tank the Vertical Sensor Unit(VSU) was mounted to measure the attitude of the main gun to enhance the hit probability. In this research, as a part of efforts to reduce the cost of K2, it was theoretically simulated and evaluated to use the data from Inertial Navigation System(INS) for the calculation of the gun attitude instead of the direct measurement using VSU. It was found that the negative effect of INS approach is negligible and the elimination of VSU is technically possible and beneficial to the system. |
Key Words:
K2 MBT, VSU, INS, Gun's Attitude, Hit Probability, Fire Control System |