A Study on Development direction of Next-generation Naval Combat System Architecture |
Kwangyong Hwang, Kyoungchan Ok, Youngjin Kim, Bongwan Choi, Hyunseung Oh, KwanSeon Choi |
1Department of Industrial Engineering, Hannam University 2Naval Systems R&D Center, Hanwha Thales Co., Ltd. |
차세대 함정 전투체계 아키텍처 구축방안에 관한 연구 |
황광룡, 옥경찬, 김영진, 최봉완, 오현승, 최관선 |
1한남대학교 산업경영공학과 2한화탈레스(주) 해양/시스템 연구소 |
Abstract |
A naval combat system is the system of systems who supports naval indigenous operations by integrating and inter-operating many different kind of weapons, which has characteristics of large scale complex computing system. ROK Navy has been built a blue ocean navy, so that large scale warships are under constructions. However, warship combat system architecture has not been well studied so far in Korea. The paper focuses on current combat system architecture and propose the next generation combat system architecture, which will give the development direction of ROK Navy. In order to complete combat system architecture studies, the system engineering process shall be applied to the study. Moreover, ARENA simulation tool is used for verification of combat system architecture. The system engineering process is as follows: next-generation naval combat system requirement analysis, functional architecture analysis and physical architecture analysis. |
Key Words:
System of Systems, Combat System Architecture, Modeling & Simulation, ARENA Simulation |