J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 18(5); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2015;18(5):602-611.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2015.18.5.602   
M&S Software Design of Multiple Radio Positioning Integration System
Moonsuk Koo, YoungJoon Kim, Kwang-Ho Choi, Hyoungmin So, Sang Heon Oh, Seong-Cheol Kim, Hyung-Keun Lee, Dong-Hwan Hwang
1Department of Electronics Engineering, Chungnam National University
2Department of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University
3School of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering, Korea Aerospace University
4The 3rd Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development
5Integrated Navigation Division, Navcours Co., Ltd.
다중 전파측위 융복합 시스템의 M&S 소프트웨어 설계
구문석, 김영준, 최광호, 소형민, 오상헌, 김성철, 이형근, 황동환
1충남대학교 전자공학과
2서울대학교 전기.정보공학부
3한국항공대학교 항공전자공학과
4국방과학연구소 제3기술연구본부
5넵코어스(주) 복합항법부
Even though GNSS provides highly accurate navigation information all over the world, it is vulnerable to jamming in the electronic warfare due to its weak signal power. The United States and Korea have plans to use terrestrial navigation systems as back-up systems during outage of GNSS. In order to develop back-up systems of GNSS, an M&S software platform is necessary for performance evaluation of various vehicle trajectories and integrated navigation systems. In this paper a design method of an M&S software is proposed for evaluation of multiple radio positioning integration systems. The proposed M&S software consists of a navigation environment generation part, a navigation algorithm part, a GUI part and a coverage analysis part. Effectiveness of the proposed design method is shown by implementing an M&S software for the GPS, DME and eLoran navigation systems.
Key Words: Modeling & Simulation, Terrestrial Radio Navigation System, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), Integrated Navigation System


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