A Study on the Improvement Plan of Korea Defense Standardization |
Hyung-Gon Ryu |
Defense Industry Research Division, Security Management Institute |
군수품 표준화 체계 발전방안 연구 |
유형곤 |
안보경영연구원 방위산업연구실 |
Abstract |
Although defense standardization is recently becoming more and more active, there are still many obstacles to achieve attainments as planned. On the other hand, national standardization already has been applied as a mandatory rule in the overall industries and R&D programs and is well supported by systematic and specialized national basis. Furthermore, advanced countries, such as U.S.A., England and NATO, are considering defense standardization as a essential element to achieve low cost and highly efficient acquisition system and to enhance interoperability among the allied forces. This study aims to form public opinion in support of importance of defense standardization and to provide the vision and various implementation tasks for improving defense standardization outcome. |
Key Words:
Defense Standardization, Improvement Plan, Vision, Implementation Task |