Performance Evaluation of a Bidirectional Piezoelectric Hybrid Actuator |
Xiaolong Jin, Ngocsan Ha, Namseo Goo, Byungwoon Bae, Taeheun Kim, Hanseo Ko, Changseop Lee |
1Department of Advanced Technology Fusion, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies, Konkuk University 2The 1st Research R&D Center, FIRSTEC CO. 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University 4The 1st Research and Development Institute, Agency for Defense Development |
양방향 압전-유압 하이브리드 구동장치의 성능 시험 |
김소룡, 하넉산, 구남서, 배병운, 김태흔, 고한서, 이창섭 |
1건국대학교 융합인재학부/신기술융합학과 2(주)퍼스텍 기술센터 3성균관대학교 기계공학부 4국방과학연구소 제1기술연구본부 |
Abstract |
Piezoelectric-based hydraulic actuator is a hybrid device consisting of a hydraulic pump driven by piezoelectric stacks that is coupled to a conventional hydraulic cylinder via a set of fast-acting valves. Nowadays, such hybrid actuators are being researched and developed actively in many developed countries by requirement of high performance and compact flight system. In this research, a piezoelectric hybrid actuator has been designed and tested. To achieve bi-directional capabilities in the actuator, solenoid valves were used to control the direction of output fluid. The experimental testing of the actuator in uni-directional and bi-directional modes was performed to examine performance issues related to the solenoid valves. The results showed that the bi-directional performance was slightly lower than uni-directional performance due to air bubble developed in the valve system. A new design to solve the vacuum problem has been proposed to improve the performance of the hybrid actuator. |
Key Words:
Hybrid Actuator, Piezo-Stack, Blocking Force, Solenoid Valve, Bidirectional Mode |