J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 17(6); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2014;17(6):725-732.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2014.17.6.725   
An Experimental Study on the Development of Silencer for the Medium Caliber Gun
HaeSuk Lee, SungHo Park
Defense Systems Test Center, Agency for Defense Development
중구경 화포용 소음기 개발을 위한 실험적 연구
이해석, 박성호
국방과학연구소 종합시험본부
The silencer for the medium caliber gun was studied to reduce the propagation of gun-generated noise from the firing test range to the community. Three types of silencer were made to compare the reduction of sound pressure level and the effect of chamber volume and the exit angle to the reduction of sound pressure was considered. The structural analysis and measurement of pressure in the silencer showed that the structure is safe in terms of strength. The increase of recoil force to buffer must be considered in the development of silencer. The hypothesis test on the muzzle velocity for the existence of silencer showed that there are no difference at the significance level of 0.05.
Key Words: Silencer, Impulse Noise, Recoil Force, Frequency, Muzzle Velocity


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