Single Sample Grouping Methodology using Combining Data |
Seungjun Back, Youngkap Son, Seungyoung Lee, Mahnki Ahn, Cheongsig Kim |
1Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Andong National University 2R&D Team, Vitzromiltech Co., Ltd. 3Daejeon Center, Defense Agency for Technology and Quality |
Combining data를 적용한 단일 표본화 방법론 연구 |
백승준, 손영갑, 이승영, 안만기, 김청식 |
1국립안동대학교 기계자동차공학과 2(주)비츠로밀텍 R&D팀 3국방기술품질원 대전센터 |
Abstract |
Combining similar data provides larger data sets through conducting test for homogeneity of several samples under various production processes or samples from different LOTs. The test for homogeneity has been applied to either variable or attribute data, and for variable data set physical homogeneity has been tested without consideration of the specification to the set. This paper proposes a method for test of homogeneity based on quality level through using both variable data and the specification. Quality-based test for homogeneity as a way of combining data is implemented by test for coefficient of variation in the proposed method. The method was verified through the application to the data set in open literature. And possibility to combine performance data for various types of thermal battery was discussed in order to estimate operation reliability. |
Key Words:
Combining Data, Coefficient of Variation, Test for Homogeneity, Thermal Battery, Reliability |