Airworthiness Case Study for the Tactical UAV's Flight Control System |
Seung Kie Choi, Jung Ho Moon, Joon Soo Ko |
1R&D Center, Korean Air 2School of Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering, Korea Aerospace University |
전술급 무인항공기 비행제어시스템의 감항인증 사례연구 |
최승기, 문정호, 고준수 |
1(주)대한항공 R&D Center 2한국항공대학교 항공우주및기계공학부 |
Abstract |
This paper presents the case study of the airworthiness certification for the flight control system of tactical UAV. Airworthiness regulations for flight characteristics and design and construction based on the STANAG 4671 are selected, and safety assessment is performed. Stall protection on wing level and turning flight criteria, and flap interconnection system failures were analyzed and applied to the flight control system design. The Hardware-in-the-loop simulation including math model, integrated system verification and validation test and failure mode and effects test were also performed and they are used to validate the means of compliance of the proposed airworthiness. |
Key Words:
Flight Control System, Airworthiness Certification, Engineering Test Station |