Enhancement of Source Localization Performance using PMP Method in a Multipath Environment |
Ho Jin Lee, Kyung Sik Yoon, Dong Hoon Shin, Kyun Kyung Lee |
1Kyungpook National University 2Gimcheon University 3Agency for Defense Development |
다중경로 환경에서 PMP기법을 이용한 음원의 위치 추정성능 향상 |
이호진, 윤경식, 신동훈, 이균경 |
1경북대학교 2김천대학교 3국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
Source localization is an important problem in the field of sonar and radar, etc. For the purpose of source localization, two or more spatially separated sensors are often used to measure the time difference of arrivals of a radiating source whose transmitted signal waveform is unknown. The NLS(Nonlinear Least Square) cost function with curve fitting method was proposed recently, which provide robust source localization performance by reducing estimation ambiguity. However, even this algorithm shows degraded performance in a multipath environment. To estimates source localization correctly, source localization algorithm that eliminate the effect of multipath signals is required. In this paper, PMP(Power Matching Procedure) is added to the algorithm, which provides improved source localization performance by properly cutting out the effect of multipath signals. Through simulation the performance of the proposed source localization algorithm is verified. |
Key Words:
Source Localization, Power Matching Procedure, Multipath Environment, Nonlinear Least Square Cost Function, Passive Sonar |