A Study on Development of Evaluation Provisions for Selection of Development Companies for National Defense ACTD Programs |
Kitaek Kim, Young Jun Park, Sangryul Shim, Kiyoung Son |
1Department of Defense Acquisition Program, Kwangwoon University 2Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Korea Military Academy 3Department of International Commerce, Kwangwoon University 4School of Architecture, University of Ulsan |
국방 ACTD사업 개발업체 선정을 위한 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구 |
김기택, 박영준, 심상렬, 손기영 |
1광운대학교 대학원 방위사업학과 2육군사관학교 건설환경학과 3광운대학교 대학원 국제통상학과 4울산대학교 건축학부 |
Abstract |
So far, the existing guideline called "Proposal Evaluation and Negotiation Guidelines for Weapon Systems (PE&NG)" has been employed even when choosing a development firm for the newly-adapted defense acquisition system, "Advanced Concept Technology Development(ACTD)". However, in that PE&NG ignores distinctive characteristics associated with ACTD programs, it is inappropriate. This study aims to propose an appropriate evaluation index which could be used to select the most suitable development company for the successful ACTD project. For this, Delphi techniques were used to collect extensive opinions of the hands-on workers. These opinion were consistently given but never gathered previously. The newly proposed index has a similar direction and range to the existing ones with its contents a little modified and simplified. Yet, it is more capable of evaluating candidates' proposals. |
Key Words:
ACTD, Delphi Technique, Development Firm Selection, Evaluation Provision, Proposal Evaluation |