A Numerical Study on the Flash Fire in the Combat System by the Kinetic Energy Ammunition and the Loaded Shells |
Seung-Chul Lee, Woo-Chul Jeon, Hae-Pyeong Lee, Heon-Joo Lee |
1Kangwon National University 2 |
운동에너지 탄과 적재포탄에 따른 전투시스템 내부에서의 순간화재발생에 대한 전산해석 |
이승철, 전우철, 이해평, 이헌주 |
1강원대학교 2국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
In this paper, numerical analysis was performed about whether the flash fire of loaded shells breaks out in the virtual combat vehicle according to sorts of the kinetic energy ammunition as the preceding research for vulnerability analysis inside the combat system by an external threaty ammunition. In this simulation, Autodyn program was used and the Lee-Tarver ignition and growth model was used to determine the flash fire outbreak. In this study, the kinetic energy ammunition was set of type A and type B in two kinds and the loaded shells was set of COMPB, TNT, PBX9404 and ANB. As a result, TNT and PBX9404 have much higher flash fire probability than COMPB in high explosive, ANB has very low flash fire probability. |
Key Words:
Numerical Analysis, Flash Fire, Kinetic Energy Ammunition |