The Design of Elliptical Dual Offset Gregorian Antenna for Satellite Communication on Ka-band |
Chun-Won Kim, Chi-Hyun Cheong, Kun-Woo Kim, Seong-Jae Lee |
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Ka대역 위성통신용 타원형 이중옵셋 그레고리안 안테나 설계 |
김춘원, 정치현, 김건우, 이성재 |
1삼성탈레스 2국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
In this paper, we have designed the elliptical dual offset gregorian antenna which can use Ka band earth station antennas in the fixed-satellite service. The structure of antenna is increasing the antenna gain by decreasing blockage areas and decreasing wind effects by shortening height of the antenna. The corrugate horn antenna for this antenna has symmetric radiation patterns and low side lobe levels that can meet ITU-R envelope. The distribution of electric field on a aperture of main reflector is calculated by an ray-tracing method that use the radiation pattern of the feed horn. The final geometric of antena is decided by choosing the distribution that comply with antenna requirement. The FEKO analysed electrical performance of this antenna. The fabricated antenna has 45.0dBi(@30.0GHz)/41.7dBi(@20.2GHz), high efficiency and low side lobe level that meet ITU-R S. 580-6 envelope. |
Key Words:
Satellite Antenna, Reflector Antenna, Ka-band |