Local Path Plan for Unpaved Road in Rough Environment |
Young-Il Lee, Tok Son Choe, Yong Woon Park |
야지환경의 비포장도로용 지역경로계획 |
이영일, 최덕선, 박용운 |
국방과학연구소 |
Abstract |
It is required for UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) to have a LPP(Local Path Plan) component which generate a local path via the center of road by analyzing binary map to travel autonomously unpaved road in rough environment. In this paper, we present the method of boundary estimation for unpaved road and a local path planning method based on RANGER algorithm using the estimated boundary. In specially, the paper presents an approach to estimate road boundary and the selection method of candidate path to minimize the problem of zigzag driving based on Bayesian probability reasoning. Field test is conducted with scenarios in rough environment in which bush, tree and unpaved road are included and the performance of proposed method is validated. |
Key Words:
Autonomous Navigation, LPP(Local Path Plan), Road Boundary Estimation, Bayesian Probability Reasoning, UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) |