Derivation of Critical Functions of the Future Attack Helicopter Using QFD |
Jae-Won Lee, Yong-Soo Kwon, Nam-Kyoung Ko |
1 2 3 |
QFD를 이용한 미래 공격헬기의 핵심기능 도출 |
이재원, 권용수, 고남경 |
1육군 2국방대학교 무기체계학과 3방위사업청 |
Abstract |
This work describes an approach that contributes to derive from mission to critical functions of the attack helicopter under future battle space environment. An existing mission of the attack helicopter is limited to the only shooter oriented functions. In the future environment, mission and its functions of the helicopter might be much expanded. The functions should be derived by the top down approach based on systems engineering approach. In this point of view, this work describes network based future battle environment. From this environment, the missions of the attack helicopter are identified and optimized functions are derived through sequential procedures like from missions to tasks, tasks to activities, and activities to functions. The selected activities are obtained from the tasks using QFD. The weighting scores of the QFD are calculated by the AHP computational procedure. Finally the critical functions are presented through the similar procedure. |
Key Words:
QFD(Quality Function Development), NCW(Network Centric Warfare), AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process), SoS Systems Engineering |