J. KIMS Technol Search


J. KIMS Technol > Volume 16(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology 2013;16(1):5-26.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.9766/KIMST.2013.16.1.005   
Measure of Effectiveness Analysis for Tracking in SONAR System
Jung-Hong Cho, Hyoung Rok Kim, Seongil Kim, Jea Soo Kim
소나시스템에서의 추적효과도 분석
조정홍, 김형록, 김성일, 김재수
1한국해양대학교 해양공학과
Since the optimized use of sonar systems for target tracking is a practical problem for naval operations, the measure of mission achievability is needed for preparing efficient sonar-maneuver tactic. In order to quantify the mission achievability or Measure Of Effectiveness(MOE) for given sonar-maneuver tactics, we developed and tested a simulation algorithm. The proposed algorithm for tracking is based on Measure Of Performance(MOP) for localization and tracking system of sonar against target. Probability of Detection(PD) using steering beam patterns referenced to the aspect angle of sonar is presented to consider the tracking-performance of sonar. Also, the integrated software package, named as Optimal Acoustic Search Path Planning(OASPP) is used for generating sonar-maneuver patterns and vulnerability analysis for a given scenario. Through simulation of a simple case for which the intuitive solution is known, the proposed algorithm is verified.
Key Words: Tracking, Measure Of Effectiveness(MOE), Localization, Probability of Detection(PD), Detection, Sonar-Maneuver Tactic


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